Bagus Rent a Car

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Toyota Hi ace


Honda Fit




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          Bagus Rent a car in Miyazaki, Kyoto, Tanegashima, Okinawa, 😀 FREE transportation service to and from the airport. Great for sightseeing, golf, surfing, etc. with family and friends! We also have surfboard rentals 🏄 Bucket, polytank, hangers, stools for free rental service👌 Have a BAGUS time in Miyazaki-Kyoto-Tanegashima-Okinawa🚗😀

          Bagus Surfboard Rental

          BAGUS RENT A CAR

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          If you want to rent a car in Miyazaki, Kyoto, Tanegashima, Okinawa, please Contact Bagus Rent a Car 😀 ​​We also provide transportation to and from the airport. Great for sightseeing, golf, surfing, etc. with family and friends! We also have surfboard rentals 🏄 as a service bucket, polytank, hangers, stools for free rental 👌 Our Rental cars are perfectly maintained at the car maintaining shop. The process is smooth and you can drive with confidence. Bagus means (the best or great) in Indonesian. Everyone please come! Have a BAGUS time in Miyazaki😀

          Online Booking Form